Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hatching Chicks Soon? Building a New Chicken Coop?

Have you heard ?- There's a new book being published by Gail Damerow about hatching chicks. I wanted to mention it now, so you can keep an eye out for another contest - you can take part and possibly win a copy FREE! And, not just this book, but a new book on building chicken coops, as well -with lots of fancy extra's, sounds like.

Both of these books will be reviewed here - from your highly esteemed, uh, reviewer (?), I guess. Other bloggers will be providing reviews, too, I'm sure. What a great time of year to sit by the fire and read a brand new book.

Winter hasn't been too rough yet here, hope the same can be said for you where you live. A recent issue of Chickens Magazine had an article about caring for your chickens in freezing conditions. Highlight - rub vaseline, my preference (or olive oil)  on combs, wattles to prevent frostbite. Insulate coops, change water often or use electric waterers. Just in case this info is relevant to you, thought I'd include it here.

Spring is on it's way soon, which means a thorough housecleaning of the chicken house. And . . . new baby chicks - for YOU?  I haven't decided yet, but it's so tempting!

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